Practical Minimally Invasive Restorative Techniques

25 May 2024
ADA House
54-58 Havelock Street
8:00 am - 12:30 pm
Event Type
Lecture presentation

CPD Details



Credit (Hours)

-10 hours

$390 ADA Members
Learn how to incorporate minimally invasive restorative dentistry techniques into your practice for maximum success. This comprehensive, evidence-based, hands-on workshop offers clear, easily understood protocols for adopting a minimally invasive approach to restorative treatments. It has been designed for dentists to develop and enhance their clinical skills to a minimum intervention, preventive patient-centred approach. Understand the latest minimally invasive remineralising and tooth-preserving technologies, adhesive restorative materials and techniques to clean, protect, restore and maintain dental disease aesthetically, long-term and effectively. Hands-on experience includes exercises such as surface sealing and posterior restorative techniques, using a range of restorative materials. You will explore: • Minimally invasive techniques/procedures, including: • AIRFLOW prior to surface protection and surface sealing and prior to fissure protection and fissure sealing • Tooth surface cleaning and preparation prior to restorative management • Enhancing adhesive bonding and cementation • Minimal invasive management of root surface lesions • Occlusal anatomy replication techniques. Types of dental problems to manage, including: • Plaque identification and assessment in relation to examination and patient risk assessment • patient risk groups and minimal invasive approaches for the very young, the elderly, special-needs and special-care patients, including tooth protection during orthodontics • the oral environments and addressing demineralisation/remineralisation issues • management of exposed root surfaces • atraumatic and minimally invasive restorative management of paediatric and geriatric patients • improving bonding and adhesion on compromised tooth surfaces. Minimally invasive dentistry techniques, including: • selection and use of fluorides in patient management, glass-ionomer cements in restorative management • implications and use of injectable composite resins in minimally invasive dentistry • tooth anatomy replication using translucent silicone templates (ExaClear) • maintenance and minimally invasive repair of restorations.

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