
Objectives of the ADRF

The Foundation is guided by seven key objectives which inform its mission to aid the advancement of dental research in Australia.

  • To accept, attract, receive, invest and use any bequest, legacy or other gift or income whatsoever to foster and assist dental research for the purpose of improving the health of the community.
  • To aid dentistry by assisting and encouraging all fields of dental research by means of research grants awarded to competent persons.
  • To encourage, develop and support research fellowships and seminars that stimulate a methodical and practical approach to dental research and foster the advancement of dental knowledge.
  • To provide for the publication or dissemination of the results of such research projects supported by the Foundation as the Board may consider appropriate.
  • To make grants to Dental Schools, approved Research Institutes and individuals for research programs and to aid in the purchase of equipment for research.
  • To provide accountable management and overseeing of dental research projects at the request of and using funds provided by other foundations, trusts or funding bodies.
  • To undertake any other activity that remains consistent with the above.

The ADRF is a joint initiative of the Australian Dental Association (ADA) and the Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA), to support research in dentistry for the purpose of improving the oral health of the community.

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