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The Australian Dental Association - partnering you in your journey through dentistry


No matter where you are in your career, the ADA is in your corner – with training, support, advice and advocacy. 
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Professional value, every step of the way

  • As the peak body for dentistry in Australia, the ADA offers a unified and authoritative voice for the profession with government, regulators and in the media.
  • FREE advice on HR & industrial relations, medicines, dento-legal issues and clinical practice.
  • CPD resources through the ADA’s CPD Portal, the National Digital Library, the Australian Dental Journal and over 800 live events a year.
  • Online and in-person networking and mentoring opportunities including Peer, the ADA’s member-only online community.
  • News you need when you need it. Whatever the news we’ll report on it and let you know.
  • Best practice resources and guides on compliance, practice management, and risk mitigation.
  • Opportunities to effect change for the profession. through advocacy campaigns or committees.   
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Recent advocacy work on behalf of the profession

  • Led representation on work force supply which led to visa requirement changes and increased supply of dental assistants.
  • Ongoing work to ensure the Child Dental Benefits Schedule and Department of Veterans Affairs dental services remain valuable to recipients.
  • Campaigning for a Senior Dental Benefits Schedule to address critical oral health issues for older Australians.
  • Scrutiny of private health fund activities and regular consultation with the industry to address systemic issues.
  • Leading section campaigns including addressing an Australia-wide shortage of dental assistants, changes to TGA devices rulings and oral health initiatives such as Dental Health Week and World Oral Health Day.
  • Launched a major consumer-facing, peer-reviewed oral health information site,, for patients.
  • Increased the capacity of the ADA to lead public debate on dental issues through print, TV, radio.
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