
Understanding Orthodontics

This course is designed to assist general dentists who want to become better diagnosticians with a good overall understanding of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment options. It is intended to enable the dental practitioner to improve their ability to detect orthodontic problems, have an understanding of comprehensive orthodontic treatment options and become better equipped to discuss options with their patients and treating specialists.

Saturday 22 November 2025
154-156 Collins Street
Hobart, TAS AUS
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Event Type
Lecture presentation
Understanding Orthodontics

Course Information

This course is designed to assist general dentists who want to become better diagnosticians with a good overall understanding of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment options. It is intended to enable the dental practitioner to improve their ability to detect orthodontic problems, have an understanding of comprehensive orthodontic treatment options and become better equipped to discuss options with their patients and treating specialists.