ADA National Digital Library's summer reading guide

With the summer break well and truly underway, it's time to catch up on reading your favourite journals and those electronic books you haven’t quite got to through the year.

This article was first published in the ADA's News Bulletin, December 2022
With the summer break well and truly underway, it's time to catch up on reading your favourite journals and those electronic books you haven’t quite got to through the year. Log into the ADA National Digital Library using your ADA federal member ID and password.
Textbooks in Contemporary Dentistry series. Springer, 2022.
This textbook covers modern theories on the patient-centred approach to communication, preventive dentistry, and dental anxiety, and trauma-sensitive behaviour management in dentistry.
Textbooks in Contemporary Dentistry series. Springer, 2022.
This book’s 23 chapters cover the optimal treatment of oral conditions encountered in children and adolescents, and offers appropriate guidance on subsequent oral health self-care.
BDJ Clinician’s Guides series. Springer, 2022.
This book covers all important aspects of dental care for older people, describes dental changes and their consequences for this population and explains the impact of cognitive conditions on treatment.
Summer reading popular journals
For a convenient on-the-go way to view a journal’s table of contents and journal abstracts, log into BrowZine - here's a guide on how access and use it - on your mobile device. Select the subject ‘Biomedical and Health Sciences’ then ‘Dentistry’.
And remember to set up your Journal Alerts on the National Digital Library (or via DOSS) to receive an email notification of the latest articles.
Not sure what journals to subscribe to? Why not try the top five most viewed journals for 2022:
To view more new eBooks from 2022, as well as the BDJ Clinician’s Guides and American Dental Association Guides go to the Featured Items page of the National Digital Library.
The lists for core dental journals and RACDS recommended journals are also available here.
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