Dental Graduate Handbook: Getting your career off to a successful start

- Resources

Transitioning from study to practice can be challenging.
There is a justifiable sense of achievement and the excitement of looking forward to a fulfilling career in an exciting profession; and yet there may be an inescapable gnawing sense that you may not be as prepared as you would like for launching yourself into your much-anticipated new life as a registered dentist.
Suddenly you’re out in the so-called real world and have to grapple with everything from finalising registration to getting a provider number, indemnity insurance and working out which role is right for you and what steps you need to take to land it and be brilliantly good at it.
And that’s just for starters; there’s a lot more to deal with beyond that.
If it sounds like a lot to handle in a short amount of time, it is but you can relax because we’re here to make it much easier for you with the Dental Graduate Handbook 2022, brimming with everything you need to know about starting your professional career.
The 2022 edition comes with some exciting, highly informative changes, all of them designed to get you off to the best possible start and to help you make the most of the opportunities before you.
Key things to look out for include:
New career advice content
This practical section features everything from knowing your value proposition (job searching is a two-way process), to finding a graduate position, and some great tips on absolutely nailing your interview (pages 32-43).
Maintaining good mental health
Every career comes with its own particular stressors and dentistry is no different. To help you deal with any of the issues that might come your way, the Dental Practitioner Supports offers a 24/7 confidential national support service designed for dentists (page 56).
Getting connected with your peers
Building links with your colleagues is a vital part of building a career and there are great ways to start networking including the ADA’s member-only online community Peer, ADA face-to-face events, social media and conferences, all of which are outlined in this handy section (pages 79-80).
Money, money, money
A host of updated financial advice is provided, including dealing with HELP debt and building a great financial position as you advance in your career (pages 81 – 88).
A personal perspective
It’s always good to hear from someone who’s ‘been there and done that’, and we’re pleased that Dr Kaejenn Tchia has agreed to talk about his journey into the profession and things to keep in mind as you launch yourself into what he guarantees is a rewarding career (page 24).
Do you have HR questions?
Good! Because we have the answers through a dedicated HR Advisory Service which can help you work out if the terms and conditions of a new role are right for you and whether the contract, you’re signing is the right one for you (page 48).
Membership has a lot of value
No surprise that we’d say that but it’s true – there are all kinds of services and resources available to you as an ADA member, all designed to help you make the most of your career and life (pages 14-17, page 60).
Good equipment matters
We’re all across that with some updated advice on dental loupes by Professor Laurie Walsh, Chair of the ADA’s Infection Control Committee (pages 58-59).
Remember, that the ADA stands ready to support you in all kinds of useful ways, and we hope that you will take the words of ADA President, Dr Mark Hutton, from his introduction to the Dental Graduate Handbook to heart:
“As a dentist, you will be in the privileged position of being able to make a significant difference, not only to your patients but by being a champion for good oral health in your community and by connecting with fellow dentists through your professional association, the ADA, so we can continue to have a strong voice for all Australian dentists.
“I’d encourage you to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.”
You have a long and satisfying career ahead of you and we believe that the information in the Dental Graduate Handbook is key to getting it off to an impressive start.
Dental Graduate Handbooks will be available from either your ADA Branch or via your university. It is also accessible via Peer, the ADA's members-only online community.
It’s not just graduates who’ll find the information useful; if you’re an established dentist who may soon have a new member of the team on board, you’ll likely benefit from knowing what the new team members will be looking out for and dealing with as they start.
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