
Have your say about the ADA’s governance consultation

Australian Dental Association
Australian Dental Association
7 September 2023
1 minute read
  • ADA updates
A new constitution is being developed for ADA Inc, the federal body of the ADA, and we want to make sure you get a chance to have a say.

Since November 2022, the ADA has been working towards improving its governance. The current model of 18 Federal Councillors with a Federal Executive is not only not considered good practice but its size limits the nimbleness of its decision-making and it is in effect accountable for the decisions of Federal Executive despite having minimal input at times.

Recognising these limitations, a Governance Working Party, supported by Board Matters, a legal firm specialising in governance, has been charged with delivering a contemporary model that focuses on the skills that are needed by ADA Inc to govern well. 

The proposed model includes:

- A Nominations Committee appointed by ADA State Branches who will recommend the best skills-based directors from the membership, which members will then be asked to vote on at the AGM.

- The ability of the Board to appoint up to two skills-based directors from outside the profession to fill skills gaps. 

- A Policy Advisory Committee with a representative from every Branch to give advice to the Board and ensure all key voices can be represented at the highest level.

The intention is to also move from being an Incorporated Association in the ACT to a Public Company Limited by Guarantee (regulated under the Corporations Act 2001) as this is a more appropriate structure for a national association.

We want all members to provide feedback on the draft constitution before it’s finalised and presented to members to vote on so head over to Peer to be part of the discussion.