
Occlusion: The Unstoppable Force and the Immoveable Object

he course will include: A) A discussion and list of problems associated the occlusion B) Examination techniques to assess occlusal issues and problems C) Treatment alternatives and objectives D) Treated cases including: severe wear, Establishing occlusal in unusual cases, Preventing constant restorative fracture and loss, TMD occlusal splints.

Wednesday 23 October 2024
ADAQ CPD and Training Centre, 26 - 28 Hamilton Place
Bowen Hills, QLD AUS
Starting at 1:00 PM
Event Type
Hands-on workshop

Course Information

he course will include: A) A discussion and list of problems associated the occlusion B) Examination techniques to assess occlusal issues and problems C) Treatment alternatives and objectives D) Treated cases including: severe wear, Establishing occlusal in unusual cases, Preventing constant restorative fracture and loss, TMD occlusal splints.