CDBS Poster & Fact Sheets

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a vital benefit for low income families to access essential Dental services. We encourage Members to not only offer this service, but promote it in your practice where possible.

As you will know, the South Australia Branch has been working closely with SA Dental to help improve awareness amongst the community about eligibility for CDBS.

What is most disappointing – is that about 55% of all CDBS goes unclaimed each year.  That equates to over $100m of potential oral health care lost.

How does your area compare?  What opportunities are there for you to engage with local schools?

Download our complete list of areas here and see the eligibility from the most recent data set.  It makes for very interesting reading!

Download your promotional CDBS poster to start the conversation! 

Additional resources (below) for Dentists and Dental Practitioners have been provided by Medicare.


CDBS Dental Benefit Schedule - Hints and Tips

CDBS Dental Practitioners Guide

Medicare CDBS Website: Additional Resources for Dental Service Providers