
Vital Pulp Therapy

For many years the only treatment for symptomatic teeth with deep caries was pulpectomy and RCT or extraction. Now a third option exists for many such teeth “vital pulp therapy”. This is a technique where only the highly inflamed section of the pulp is removed and the remaining pulp preserved using materials which stimulate the pulpal tissue to repair thus maintaining the vitality of the tooth.

Thursday 03 October 2024
ADAQ CPD and Training Centre, 26 - 28 Hamilton Place
Bowen Hills, QLD AUS
Starting at 1:00 PM
Event Type
Hands-on workshop

Course Information

For many years the only treatment for symptomatic teeth with deep caries was pulpectomy and RCT or extraction. Now a third option exists for many such teeth “vital pulp therapy”. This is a technique where only the highly inflamed section of the pulp is removed and the remaining pulp preserved using materials which stimulate the pulpal tissue to repair thus maintaining the vitality of the tooth.