
Hands-On Laser Dentistry Course: Advancing Dental Practice Through Technology

This course covers the practical aspects of laser use in dental procedures, encompassing appropriate techniques and patient care considerations. Participants acquire hands-on experience with diode lasers through supervised training session. Additionally, the course will explore emerging trends and future applications of laser technology in dentistry, preparing practitioners for advancements in this field.

Friday 11 July 2025
ADA House, 54-58 Havelock Street
West Perth, WA AUS
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Event Type
Hands-on workshop
Hands-On Laser Dentistry Course: Advancing Dental Practice Through Technology

Course Information

This course covers the practical aspects of laser use in dental procedures, encompassing appropriate techniques and patient care considerations. Participants acquire hands-on experience with diode lasers through supervised training session. Additionally, the course will explore emerging trends and future applications of laser technology in dentistry, preparing practitioners for advancements in this field.