
ADA’s First Nations and Hardship Dental Student Study Grants now open

Australian Dental Association
Australian Dental Association
24 February 2025
1 minute read
  • Grants and awards

Equipping the next generation of dentists is a key focus of the ADA, and these grants play a key role in giving dentistry students everything they need to succeed.

Equipping the next generation of dentists is a key focus of the ADA.  

Understanding how important it is to support these up-and-coming dentists, the ADA offers up two grants for people studying to enter the profession, with a focus on ensuring recipient dentistry students are given everything they need to succeed. 

 These grants are open to Australian citizens or permanent residents who are enrolled as full-time students in an Australian dental degree that qualifies them to practise as a dentist. Students must currently be in at least the second year of their degree and are only eligible to receive two scholarships during their time at university. 

Applications open at 2 pm on Tuesday 25 February 2025 and close 11:59pm, Friday 11 April 2025. 

* Please note: To apply via the online portal (new this year), you first need to register and create a user profile. (You cannot use your ADA login details to register, but you will need your Federal ID for the application itself). If you can encounter any issues, please email 

ADA Dental Study Grants (First Nations) 

This grant is designed to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who have demonstrated a commitment and desire to contribute to the dental health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities after they graduate. 

Five ADA Dental Study Grants (First Nations) of $5,000 each are available in 2025. 

ADA Dental Study Grants (Hardship) 

The ADA will issue up to 10 grants worth $5,000 each to dental students who are experiencing hardship. Examples of hardship include, but are not limited to, caring for dependants or family members, residing in a rural or remote area for 5 years immediately prior to study, financial hardship, personal or family illness, disability, trauma, or you or your family are refugees. This grant stream is an amalgamation of the previous Rural and Remote and Hardship scholarships.    

Applicants will be judged based on answers to application questions regarding financial, accommodation and hardship circumstances.